Thursday 3 February 2011

Shaolin Kung Fu at Thian Hock Keng Mazu temple, 2/2/2011

Shaolin monks performing kung fu and weapons forms at a Chinese New Years celebration in Singapore at Thian Hock Keng Mazu temple (Tian Hou Gong) just after midnight.

We (Victor, Raymond, myself and other templing enthusiasts in Singapore) visited 6 temples to do 'bai bai' or 'worship' the deities there to welcome in the Chinese New Year - The Year of the Rabbit ... and from a cultural or spiritual perspective, I think there is no better way to welcome it.

The Shaolin performance at Thian Hock Keng was unexpected, their Dragon Dance is the best I have ever seen, and their martial arts awesome to say the least. For the welcoming in of the Year of the Rabbit, it was the icing on the cake.

It plays more smoothly on youtube if you have a slower connection at:

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