Sunday 3 January 2010

Updated: Passing of Time in Rectangles


  1. I can see this so much better now Fab, they really are very good! Purple Cloud is lovely, Snowdonia, Morocco, and some good pictures of you as well. Very nice... thank you for sharing


  2. Purple Cloud Street is where I lived, on the lower slopes of the Five Animal Mountains, and that is the night view from my balcony overlooking Taipei city ... Magical !

  3. Purple Cloud Street is where I lived, on the lower slopes of the Four Animal Mountains, and that is the night view from my balcony overlooking Taipei city ... Magical !

    But to quote Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner, the pictures all represent "moments ... lost in time... like tears in rain.."

    Cheers for looking ....

  4. Beautiful place you lived Fab.. the quote is exquisite ( I will remember it). It brings to mind the Haiku

    A red kite
    In the ame place
    In yesterday's sky.

    The written word, speaks to me more than any other medium.


  5. It is beautiful, but out of context ...

    "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die"

    ... the transitory nature of experience!


  6. Wow... you have a lot to share Fab. And while it is true that they are only in memory, it has helped to make you as you are, and now through you to us... It would sure be intresting to hear some of these experiences.
    What are C-beam? And who were the ships attacking?
